DIY Streamer Back Drop!

This streamer back drop is certainly on trend and a very cost effective way of creating party back drops! Set behind a table with all the party food or gifts on or as a photo booth back drop the possibilities are endless! We have made one today which covers the width of a single door frame. Of course you can make it any width and any length you like!

Here are the steps you will need to take -

All you need is-

  • streamer
  • scissors
  • tape (we used clear packaging tape)

  •  Firstly, cut a strip of tape to the width you desire and lay it out on a flat surface with the sticky side facing UP.
  • Secondly, find the colours you would like to use for the backdrop and measure out the length you need. The streamer doesn't need to all be the same length and you can make the ends different to one another, like we did in our example down below.


  • Then, place the top of your first piece of streamer onto the tape, making sure it has stuck. (To make this step easier we suggest securing you piece of tape down to the surface so the process is simpler)
  • Place each piece after that, next to the one before.

  • Keep the same process going, varying the different colours as you go along.
  • Once you've reached the end of your piece of tape, you will need to stick another strip of tape (the same length as the one before) on top of your streamer and tape. This will secure the streamer in place.
  • You can then move your backdrop around easily without any bits falling off from the tape.

  • Secure your backdrop with tape.
  • If you desire you can put another strip of streamer along the top to hide the ends of the pieces you have cut. 

You can see our backdrop video tutorial here - 

This is a simple DIY which you can easily do by yourself at home is perfect and something we love using in the shop!